Student Solution


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1 Course

1 Subject

DQ1- American revolution

DQ1- American revolution

Q According to Tindal & Shi, what explains Americans’ desire to separate from Britain? Had certain aspects of American life transformed settlers – their habits, interests, beliefs, ideology, culture, or identity? Was separatism produced by a slow-developing process with deep roots in the colonial period, or by a sudden set of events that materialized in the 1760s and ‘70s? • Answer all these questions concisely in the first paragraph. • Then write a more detailed answer (2-4 paragraphs), deploying evidence and argumentation drawn from the textbook. • Give your post a title – a brief 4-5 word summation of the post – to give other students a preview of your post’s content.

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No Taxation Without Representation According to Tindall and Shi, the desire to self-govern their nation explains the desire of Americans to be separated from Britain. Americans wanted to rule themselves and put an end to colonial rule. They wanted religious and political freedom from Britain. They wanted the opportunity to live this new life even it involved a lot of risks.